Ancient Philosophy, Modern World.

welcome to the world of Ayurvedic living

Why Modrn Medicin?

queer, bi-poc, and woman owned.

MODRN MEDICIN stands at the forefront of the wellness industry as an Ayurvedic brand, seamlessly blending ancient wisdom with modern needs.

Rooted in the millennia-old Indian system of Ayurveda, Modrn Medicin harnesses the power of nature to heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda seeks to address the root causes of ailments rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This holistic approach not only promotes physical health but also nurtures mental clarity and emotional stability.

Modrn Medicin's innovative inclusion of coffee in their offerings is a testament to their commitment to exposing Ayurveda to the community.

By infusing Ayurvedic principles into coffee, they recognize the importance of this beloved beverage in many people's daily routines, offering a unique opportunity to incorporate healing properties into a familiar ritual. This fusion embodies the brand's mission: to make Ayurveda accessible and relevant in our modern lives.

  • Work With an Ayurvedic Guide

    Prepare to unlock your highest potential. Balanced gut health, a regulated nervous system, balanced hormones, strong authentic relationships, and genuine excitement for your life. When you work 1:1 with one of our certified practitioners you will learn how to incorporate daily practices tailored to your individual Dosha blueprint that will allow you to have Ojas or, vital life energy. You will also learn how to live in full alignment with the seasons so that you are balanced on a mental, physical and energetic level.

    Schedule A Complimentary Intake Session 
  • Discover your Dosha

    In Ayurveda there are three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. They are guiding forces that indicate our unique mental, physical and energetic traits. When we identify our Doshas, we create a deeper relationship with ourselves. We are able to see the patterns in witch we go imbalanced, and return back to a harmonized, optimal state. These Doshas speak to all parts of our inner and outer worlds and each Dosha has distinct traits. So- are you effortlessly creative, a natural born leader, or have a deep sense of nurture? In other words, are you Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dominant?

    Take Dosha Quiz 
  • human movement

    Understanding Vata: The Creative Flow State

    Molly Behunin

    Vata is known as “that which moves things” it is kinetic energy. Physically, it is the nervous system, breath, elimination and the movement of thoughts. A balanced Vata fosters enthusiasm,...

    Understanding Vata: The Creative Flow State

    Molly Behunin

    Vata is known as “that which moves things” it is kinetic energy. Physically, it is the nervous system, breath, elimination and the movement of thoughts. A balanced Vata fosters enthusiasm,...

  • Understanding Pitta: Fire and Passion

    Understanding Pitta: Fire and Passion

    Molly Behunin

    Pitta is known as "that which digest things" it is metabolic energy related to assimilation and transformation. Pitta is the fiery force of digestion of both physical food into nutrients and the...

    Understanding Pitta: Fire and Passion

    Molly Behunin

    Pitta is known as "that which digest things" it is metabolic energy related to assimilation and transformation. Pitta is the fiery force of digestion of both physical food into nutrients and the...

  • Understanding Kapha: The Sweet Sap of Life

    Understanding Kapha: The Sweet Sap of Life

    Molly Behunin

    Kapha is known as "that witch holds things together" it is potential energy related to stability and lubrication. Kapha is our ability to be compassionate, soft and grounded. If you are...

    Understanding Kapha: The Sweet Sap of Life

    Molly Behunin

    Kapha is known as "that witch holds things together" it is potential energy related to stability and lubrication. Kapha is our ability to be compassionate, soft and grounded. If you are...

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